Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christma(s)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christm(a)s
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christ(m)as
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Chris(t)mas
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Chri(s)tmas
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Merry Chr(i)stmas
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Merry Ch(r)istmas
Friday, December 18, 2009
Merry C(h)ristmas
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Merry (C)hristmas
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Merr(y) Christmas
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Mer(r)y Christmas
Monday, December 14, 2009
Me(r)ry Christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2009
M(e)rry Christmas
Saturday, December 12, 2009
(M)erry Christmas
Friday, December 11, 2009
Merry Christmas Acrostic
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Christmas Decorations 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
I have finished the race!
I had the opportunity to run in a half-marathon race on Saturday, which was my 2nd ever organized race of that distance. I did quite well for myself the first time, in 2007, and expected to do quite well again, especially given my recent training results. I even had a glimmer of hope to beat my previous time of 1:49:33, though I knew that would be a long-shot.
Much to my surprise, however, this Saturday would not go quite as planned. The weather was not great, with a strong rain/thunder shower lasting literally right up until the very start of the race. The temperature was a bit warmer than I had hoped, in the mid-60's. The air was humid and the course was strewn with puddles, both large and small.
At the start of the race, I felt good and my pace was pretty normal, compared to recent runs. But after only about 4 miles of the 13.1 mile course, I began to feel fatigue setting in, which was far too early and gave me cause for concern.
By about the 7 mile point, I was badly out of breath and I had to break stride and walk for a few minutes. From that point on, it was a series of run-walk-run-walk spurts, extremely unusual for me. I can count on one hand the number of times, in training, that I had to walk-out or cut short a planned training run, so this was very a-typical.
What this did was to present me with a very new challenge. The question of whether or not I could finish the race had not even entered my mind before the start, but by the 10th mile marker, I had serious doubts that I could actually complete the remaining 3.1 miles, walking or otherwise. But something rose up within me each time the doubt appeared and I was able to silence it by saying, even out loud several times, "I will finish what I started."
And I persevered. 11 Miles. Then 12. Then past where we started, with the finish line still nowhere in sight. Yes, still doing some walking and some running, but all the while continuing to my goal. Finally, the finish line came into view and somehow, I found that last little reserve to finish under somewhat of a sprint, though I am sure I wasn't moving that fast.
I had done it. What, at the outset, was supposed to be a test of speed and pace turned out, in the end, to be a test of endurance, perseverance and determination. My final time, officially, was 2:25:15.
Back to that Biblical Reference. 2 Timothy 4:7 records Paul's words, saying, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." I gained a bit of a new understanding of those words this past weekend.
You see, for the past 25+ years as a Christian, hearing those words, I always thought of those words as "I have WON the race." But that's not what Paul said. He said, I have FINISHED the race. You see, the race God sets out for each of us to run is a personal race. It is not a competition. We are not trying to beat someone else to the finish line. God merely asks us to endure all the way. Endure the heat of trials. Persevere through the storms of tribulation. Navigate the obstacles along the way. Be determined to finish strong.
And while Paul was speaking about the totality of his life-long race, I believe there is a bit of truth to be found for the race set before each of us daily. Some days, the race will seem effortless and the finish line will come quickly. Other days it will seem as if you're about to drop along the way. But God asks us to persevere. To FINISH the race. And in finishing the race He sets out for us, we will find the ultimate victory!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Back in Onederland
Monday, April 20, 2009
Happy 40th Birthday To Me!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Big Four-Oh!
Sure, I'm not exactly where I want to be with my weight. I've been struggling, but then, that's just it. I have not given up. I HAVE been struggling at the very least, which is a good thing. I am quite determined to get back to my goal weight and quite certain that I will do it in this calendar year. There...I've put it out there for the world to see it - now I've got to make it happen.
I am going to a Met's game this weekend - my first at the Met's new Citi Field ballpark. And then, on Sunday, my wonderful wife and darling daughter have something unknown planned for me. I really have no idea what it is - they are good at keeping secrets - and I have not really tried much to guess, though I do have a few wild guesses that are probably way off base. But I'd rather be surprised and enjoy it all the way, I guess.
Turning 40. Well, for right now, I'm not afraid of it. I'll let you know once I am there, though.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Winter Vacation 2009
At first, Faith did quite well on skis, but a scary trip down the highest part of the bunny hill, ending in a fairly spectacular wipe-out, did her in. She couldn't quite get the hang of controlling her speed with the "pizza" (when I learned, it was called the "wedge"). I think she might try it again with some coaxing. Hopefully next year.
As for me, it was just like riding a bicycle. Not that I was ever an expert at it, but the basics came back to me quickly. After about 5-6 runs on the bunny hill, I headed off to the rest of the mountain for some fun with my niece, Jessica, who, as it turns out, is far and away the best skier I have ever skied with. We did quite a few runs down the more challenging parts of the mountain and I only fell 3 times, one of which was in the last 50 yards of our last run of the night. Overall, I think I did well and I KNOW I had a lot of fun. pictures on skis - I had the digital camera in my own pocket. :(
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Contract, Week 2
Frank Tibolt is credited with saying,
"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."
To me, these are very true words. I cannot say that I was "inspired" to lose weight a few weeks ago. My actions at the time (inactivity, over-eating) proved that. But still, I had to make a choice. I took a bold step. That step that I took has resulted in an amazing level of inspiration and motivation in me and it has begun to snowball. I am as gung-ho right now as I was week 3 of my original weight-watchers start. Each day I view as another opportunity to make healthy choices, live right and drop some additional weight!
Here we go...WEEK 3! Let's ROCK IT!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Weigh-in tomorrow - hoping for another good result.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Change has come
I did not vote for Barack Obama to be President. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which are the views he has with respect to the moral issues facing our nation such as abortion and marriage rights. I firmly believe that the direction that a nation takes morally will predict the direction that a nation will eventually take in every other aspect. As we emerge from under the covering of God's grace by walking away from the moral center of God's will, we endanger ourselves more and more. But that's not what this blog entry is about.
Barack Obama is my President. He is the leader of my country and as such, I am ready to get behind him and support him. I will support him in prayer, praying that God will lead and guide his every step. Praying that God will bring him wise counsel and strong courage to do what is right for this nation. Praying that he will bend his own knee in prayer as well, knowing the task that is set in front of him is far too large for the shoulders of one man.
I will support him by giving him a chance to enact the change he speaks of and giving that change a chance to work (although I cannot and will not support some of the moral aspects of his platform).
Yes, as Barack said, "Change has come." Let's hope that it is indeed a change in the right direction.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Contract - Week 1
I kept to the contract ENTIRELY, holding to all of the aspects of it. I stayed within my points. I wrote down everything I ate. I exercised (6) days for a minimum of 30 minutes (mostly walking). I ate nothing that I did not bring with me to work, which included saying no to several offered bagels and a YUMMY-looking office birthday cake. I ate nothing after 8:30.
The results? I feel MUCH better. I feel like I'm in control of myself. I have more energy. And I lost 5 lbs!
So, today begins week #2. I'm hoping that at the end of these 4 weeks, I will have built enough new habits to avoid the need for further contracts, but if necessary, I will certainly renew that contract when it expires.
Looking forward to further results in the near future. I can do this!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Very loose change
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Hi. My name is...
Hi. My name is Jim and I am addicted to food. There, I said it. Yes, I was able to lose 115 lbs 2 years ago and keep it off for about 1 year. But in the 17 months since then, I have now officially added 31 lbs back on. At that pace, it would not take all that long to add the other 85 and then some more, so at this point, I need to make a life-or-death decision. At least, that's the way that I see it.
So, how did I put on 31 lbs in 17 months? Well, it's somewhat the same answer I used to give when people asked how did I lose 115 lbs. It's all about controlling what I put IN to my body. Sure, exercise is important, but I've proven that I can out-eat just about any workout I can dream up. I even gained 2 lbs the week after running a 1/2 marathon! I've always attributed the vast majority of my weight-loss to controlling intake, with a minimal contribution from my exercise.
For that reason, I cannot allow the several injuries I have suffered in the past year, limiting my exercise for long stretches of time, to be the excuse I use for my gain. It's ALL about how much I put in.
One of the things that I have noticed about myself is that, unlike MANY who go on Weight Watchers, my stomach, or more appropriately, my capacity to eat volumes of food, as in no way shrunk. Not even a little bit. Unfortunately, I can still pack away vast quantities of food, as I have proved all-too-often. What can I do about this? Well, I have to be FAR MORE DILIGENT with respect to both portion-control as well as recognizing my satisfaction levels.
Eating at night, after the family has gone to sleep, has been probably the single greatest contributor to my weight gain. Somehow I have gotten into the habit of what I call "grazing" through the kitchen. I go through the snack drawers and take one of these, one of those, a small handful of these and a bunch of those. All so that, individually, noone would notice anything "missing." But totaled up, as I have done in the aftermath of several grazing sessions, it can add up to over 40 points quite easily. OBVIOUSLY, this is not very conducive to losing or even maintaining a healthy weight.
So, what am I going to do about this life-or-death decision? I have committed to a 28-day contract. I even put it in writing and signed it, giving it to my wife. I agreed to the following:
- Stay within points (Daily, Weekly, Activity included).
- Journal EVERYTHING I eat.
- Exercise (5) days per week, 30-minutes or more.
- I will eat ONLY what I bring to work each day.
- I will eat NOTHING after 8:30 PM.
That is my commitment. I firmly believe that if I stick to the above agreement, I will significantly decrease my current 211 lb body at the end of the 4 weeks and I will reinvigorate my commitment to the Weight Watchers program.
I can do this. I WILL do this.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
2009 - I love new beginnings
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. [Lamentations 3:22-23]
This quote from the Bible is very often quoted around this time of year. God is a God of the second chance. Some may even say that He's a God of the third and fourth and fifth chances, too. And so on. And they might be right, in a sense. But equally, they would be wrong in a very important sense, too.
You see, when we fail, God picks us up, dusts us off and sets us back on His path. When He does this, we get a second chance, right? But it is so much more than that. Scripture tells us that he removes our sin from us as far as the east is from the west [Psalm 103:12]. It also tells us that He choses not to remember them any longer. [Isaiah 43:25]. That means that if we fall again, God picks us up, dusts us off and sets us back on His path, giving us a second chance. You see, calling this a third or fourth chance diminishes what God is doing for us. When He gives us a second chance, it really is a fresh start.
His mercies are new every morning. Each new day, and even moreso, each new year, is an opportunity to come before God and make a fresh start. No matter what you went to bed with last night, the mercy and love of God is there in the morning to pick you up, dust you off and give you a fresh start.
Happy New Year!