Friday, January 16, 2009

Contract - Week 1

So, 1 week ago, I signed a contract to get back on track with my weight-loss efforts. Here are the results:

I kept to the contract ENTIRELY, holding to all of the aspects of it. I stayed within my points. I wrote down everything I ate. I exercised (6) days for a minimum of 30 minutes (mostly walking). I ate nothing that I did not bring with me to work, which included saying no to several offered bagels and a YUMMY-looking office birthday cake. I ate nothing after 8:30.

The results? I feel MUCH better. I feel like I'm in control of myself. I have more energy. And I lost 5 lbs!

So, today begins week #2. I'm hoping that at the end of these 4 weeks, I will have built enough new habits to avoid the need for further contracts, but if necessary, I will certainly renew that contract when it expires.

Looking forward to further results in the near future. I can do this!

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