Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merr(y) Christmas


Luke 1:31
When we read that the Angel told Mary that her child was to be named 'Jesus,' we actually see a Greek word that has Hebrew origins. The Greek word is 'Iesous' which comes from the Hebrew word 'Yhowshuwa' from which we get the anglicized words 'Yeshua' and 'Joshua.' This was the name of Jesus.

The meaning of this Hebrew name is 'Jehovah is salvation.' I had always considered that Jesus 'brought' salvation to the world. But His name suggests a stronger correlation between Himself and our Salvation. He IS salvation. He did not merely bring salvation to us. He became salvation for us, in the incarnation and in His perfect sacrifice for sin.

This Yeshua, Jesus, still is salvation. He still is God's perfect plan to redeem a world destined for eternal separation from Him. He still is God's best gift ever to this world.

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