Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Ch(r)istmas


Romans 5:11
We have all heard the phrase, 'It is better to give than to receive.' It is a good axiom to live by. A noble thought indeed. I do not dispute that one bit.

But think about this. God knew that we could not GIVE Him what He desired, which is a people with whom He could have fellowship. He knew that we could not GIVE Him that because we were with sin, and He was perfectly Holy.

God didn't leave it like that. He GAVE His own Son so that we could RECEIVE the gift of reconciliation and righteousness. It is His earnest desire that we RECEIVE this gift, because it is only through RECEIVING this gift that we are truly able to GIVE from our hearts.

This is one case where it truly better to RECEIVE than to GIVE, because the gift we RECEIVE we can never repay! RECEIVE God's gift today!

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