Monday, December 14, 2009

Me(r)ry Christmas


Luke 2:8-12, 20
The angels came to the shepherds bearing 'good news of great joy.' But those shepherds, after hearing the news, were probably somewhat confused, and perhaps still a bit scared and shaken by what they had seen and heard. Even still, they decided that they had better go see if what the angels said was true, so they headed for Bethlehem.

When they got there, they saw everything exactly as the angels had said it would be, with the baby Jesus lying in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

These shepherds apparently went away from that place different than when they arrived. They came in perhaps confused, but the left rejoicing in the things they had seen and heard. They allowed the gospel of God to produce joy in their hearts and they allowed that joy to overflow into praise and worship for God. What does the Good News of Jesus Christ do in your own heart?

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