Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mer(r)y Christmas


Luke 2:7
There was no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn. The entire city was overcrowded, to the point that the only accommodations that could be found for them was in a stable. So often we have criticized the people of that time for not having room for Jesus in their city. But you can be sure that there were other pregnant women and other people in just as much need as Mary and Joseph at the time. And you can also be sure that they were not aware of who it was they were turning away or sending to a dirty stable. All things considered, they actually had a pretty good excuse.

Most of us have no such excuse. When we refuse to make space in our lives for Jesus every day, we know exactly who it is that we are shunning. When we relegate Him to a few short moments each day, we know exactly who it is that we are sending away.

At this time of year, and all year round, make sure you have room for Jesus in your life.

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